Just like the lyrics of the song say, “let the sunshine in” — studies indicate that body and mind react to a lack of sunshine and light. It may not be spring yet, but it soon will be and with a little more daylight each day the home care solutions provider will join your mother or father outside and capture the UV rays that will enhance their endorphins creating a sense of pleasantness.
During the late fall and winter, your parent may have been impacted by SAD, seasonal affective disorder. The home care solutions expert attempted to adjust the lighting in the home and possibly change colors to reflect brightness that affects the mood. Rather than feeling sad, your loved one is feeling pleasant despite the cold and gray of the winter months. However, with spring just weeks away, home care solutions may suggest enjoying nature up close and personal.
Enjoy the daylight with a morning walk with the home care solutions caregiver. Although the morning walk may be a bit brisk, it will fulfill a commitment to spring and the rebirth of life, and open the heart to life’s possibilities. Sunlight, the natural vitamin that can change a mood from gloom to bloom is essential, and the home care solutions provider is there to support your loved one savor the moments. Having a companion nearby is a big help in making this happen.
Research indicates that older individuals need more sunlight to get the benefits associated with it. Sunlight increases memory retention, energy, feelings of positivity, and often the need for less sleep. One of the reasons why it takes more sunlight for your parent to get their ‘energy’ sun fill is described by home care solutions as their aging eyes filter out light, and they also tend to spend more time indoors. With springtime approaching your mom or dad is itching to get out and the home care solutions for outdoor light is to use sunscreen, wear a hat and dress in layers. Protection from Ohio’s elements here in Dayton is critical while absorbing the light that impacts them daily.