Main | 5335 Far Hills Ave # 224 Dayton, OH 45429 | (937) 528-1962 | North Dayton: (937) 203-8366 |
Mason/West Chester | 991 Reading Rd #3, Mason, OH, 45040 | (513) 273-7056 |
Main | 5335 Far Hills Ave # 224 Dayton, OH 45429 | (937) 528-1962 | North Dayton: (937) 203-8366 |
Mason/West Chester | 991 Reading Rd #3, Mason, OH, 45040 | (513) 273-7056 |
Call Us Today!
When a person reaches their golden years they often begin to have difficulties living on their own. These difficulties can include reduced mobility, a lack of coordination or stamina, difficulty with memory and other circumstances that affect everyday life at home. When these circumstances arise, it is in your loved ones’ best interests to find them some assistance. While assisted living facilities are an option, most seniors don’t want to be taken out of their home. Fortunately, there is another option. Golden Heart Home Care in Dayton, OH is pleased to provide our industry leading in home care to residents of Vandalia Ohio.
When you become a client of Golden Heart, one of our in home care coordinators will assess your loved one’s wellbeing to create a unique care plan tailored to his or her needs. This plan takes in to account many things including their home, medical condition and history, any physical disabilities they may have, exercise and activity needs, and even hobbies and interests to create a plan that ensures they always have the help they need when they need it. The care plan can include help from a few hours a week to 24-hour in home care.
Once your loved one has a care plan in place, they will have all of the amenities of an assisted living facility right at their fingertips.
Our care providers can aid in numerous ways, including:
Once your loved one has a care plan and a caregiver, they will have everything they need to continue living safely, and happily in their own homes. If you are interested in learning more about our in home care options in Vandalia, OH and surrounding communities please give us a call today at (937) 528-1962.
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