It’s possible that your parent is overwhelmed with the medications they are taking. Not only are they taking drugs that they cannot pronounce, but they also may not understand when to take them or why they are needed. Some pills need to be taken with a full glass of water, others with milk, and some on an empty stomach and yet others on a full stomach — all of which is so confusing that it often takes someone like senior homecare to invent a schedule. However, even with a plan the responsibility of your mother or father taking their prescribed medications may also be yours, too.
Although mom or dad may have Medicare along with a Part D prescription supplement, not all medicines are covered well. Despite your parent being confused as to why they are taking so many different capsules, pills and liquids, they may be worrying about the cost and senior homecare recommends helping them through this financial process. In some instances, higher-price designer drugs may be substituted by your loved one’s doctor with another formulary recommendation that may be more affordable. If the costs are more in alignment with your mother or father’s budget, they may be more responsible for taking their medication or at least following the directions set by the senior homecare professionals.
Whether you or the senior homecare provider orders mom or dad’s medications, seek the best plan and check mail order as well as 90-day orders versus 30-day orders. This may provide a cost savings and reduce that additional stress many older adults associate with their medications. Additionally, before accepting another prescription from the doctor, have your loved one’s medical team review their medications, including over-the-counter ones as well. Identify your parent’s concerns, confusions and needs, and try to put together a simple plan and let senior homecare like Golden Heart in Dayton, OH lead the way.