Flu season can be hazardous for the senior population. Medical stats consider everyone fifty and older the most susceptible to the flu virus and the complications that can come from the illness. Quality home care services recommend it is never too late to get a flu shot. Although the flu vaccine may not prevent the flu 100 percent, it can reduce the symptoms and the intensity of the illness if mom or dad are vulnerable to disease.
The providers of quality home care services recommend the following:
- Know the symptoms – Your parent may feel achy and sore all over. Sometimes feeling sore from head to toe can be compared to being in an accident where you have been hit from behind and feel blindsided. Coughing, sneezing and feeling feverish are other signs that mom or dad has the flu.
- Flu vaccines – Although the vaccine for many prevents the current strain of this disease, there is no guarantee that having a flu shot will prevent your parent from getting ill. However, quality home care services identify that most seniors who have received their yearly vaccine, have fewer symptoms and setbacks. However, depending on other medical conditions they may have, the support from a caregiver at this time may be warranted.
- Getting sick – If your mother or father begins to experience any of the symptoms, quality home care services may include having a part-time caregiver spend time with your parent, even checking up on them ensuring they have a warm, clean environment and proper nutrition during their recuperation period.
Staying healthy begins with proper hygiene here in Dayton, OH and the surrounding area. Maintaining proper hand washing is essential as well. Prevention starts with the obtaining the flu vaccine followed by a healthy nutritional diet and remaining active through exercise both physically as well emotionally. The best way to fly through the flu season is creating and providing quality home care services.