End of life care begins with the diagnosis or the final stages of the disease. Hospice offers many advantages for your mother or father as well as to you, the family. Calling Hospice is not an indicator that your mom or dad is incapable of enjoying life as they know it. In fact, in some cases, patients have been known to be diagnosed and enter Hospice care only to step back to palliative care. Family members often fear they sign their loved one’s death certificate by making the decision to move to Hospice when instead the choice is not entirely their decision.
Your parent is eligible for Hospice care if their doctor identifies they are at the end of life of care stage. End of life care is defined as a period of six months or less of survival. As stated above, in rare cases, a rebound may take place, and your parent’s physician may suggest that your mom or dad has improved and hospice is not required, and palliative care, like Hospice, will meet their needs. However, Hospice services are covered by Medicare where palliative care services are not. Both ends of life programs provide gentle caring compassionate providers. However, Hospice medications are used to reduce pain to keep your parent pain free.
The concept of Hospice and the end of life is to help transition your mother or father on their journey from life to everlasting eternity in a pain-free manner, among loving and caring family, friends, with spiritual guidance. The end of life care Hospice path addresses pain from the earliest onset on and calmly administers various forms of pain relief for mom or dad’s comfort level no matter where they live in the Dayton area. Therapy continues to enhance the support, not just for your loved one, but for you the family through the last good-bye.