by Steve Teska | Posted on | SENIOR CONNECTION BLOG
According to many statistically reporting agencies the age of 65 is the identification of those individuals who constitute the elderly population. However, the living assistance services suggest very few 65-year-old adults consider themselves elderly. ...
by Steve Teska | Posted on | SENIOR CONNECTION BLOG
Perhaps your parent has decided it’s time to get fit, or their doctor has suggested they need to get into an exercise program. Where do they start? The experts from the non medical home care services often recommend contacting their local community cen...
by Steve Teska | Posted on | SENIOR CONNECTION BLOG
When caring for your parent, spouse, or someone who is dependent on you for compassion, attention to detail is crucial. Whether you are providing palliative care as a volunteer or a paid professional, the emotional attachment can be as wearing and tiri...
by Steve Teska | Posted on | SENIOR CONNECTION BLOG
When you conjure up a picture of religious setting (any religion), the stereotypical image is of elderly individuals. Professional home care experts tell us that research indicates that as people age they are drawn spiritually to religion. The concept ...
by Steve Teska | Posted on | SENIOR CONNECTION BLOG
If you have every walked through an assisted living center or a senior center you may have noticed that the home care specialists and therapists have music playing in the therapy and activity rooms. In some instances, the music may be very subtle, and ...
by Steve Teska | Posted on | SENIOR CONNECTION BLOG
Adult home care is changing as is personal responsibility for the aging population. Although some older adults may need personal care assistance, many today are living longer as independent seniors. However, independence does not mean that your mother ...
by Steve Teska | Posted on | SENIOR CONNECTION BLOG
Your parents, also known as grandparents and the elderly, are much more current and lively than many of their predecessors. If you think back to your grandparents or great-grandparents, they most likely looked old and acted old when you were a young ch...
by Steve Teska | Posted on | SENIOR CONNECTION BLOG
Although you may believe that hiring long term care providers to care for your elderly parent takes the burden or pressure off your shoulders, you may want to think again. It’s true you may not be the physical 24/7 caregiver, but you are responsible 24...
by Steve Teska | Posted on | SENIOR CONNECTION BLOG
For senior citizens like your mom or dad, winter time with colder temperatures, blowing winds, wet weather and gray skies can be very depressing. However, the thought of spring puts a little bounce in their walk, brightness in their eyes and sparkle in...
by Steve Teska | Posted on | SENIOR CONNECTION BLOG
Benjamin Franklin said: “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” From the moment of birth living life begins. However, with life there is death. Some prepare for it, many assume they will wait and prepare when the time...